Monday, May 10, 2010


Fans, friends and family we need your skill. We are looking for some help drawin’ up our mascot-like Carrion Crow. Think Eddie from Iron Maiden. Please help us. We can use drawings, paintings, graphic designs, ect., black & white or color. We would be grateful for anything. We aren’t looking for one piece to use exclusively; we want to use it all! We are going to need art for fliers, posters, t-shirts, logos, websites… on and on. We already owe a number of people large amounts of money, so we can’t afford to pay you in $, but we have much love to shell out. All art used will be credited and hailed by our followers. So if you are interested in getting your shit out there, see the Crow description below and email us at

The Carrion Crow.
Ruffled, ornery, disheveled, stubborn, The Charles Bukowski of crows. And holding a heart.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Layin' it down.

Hey Hey!
What's, what?

We've finally cornered Steve Kille,

lured by soda, iced coffee, and a fried chicken.

We had to squeeze out a single before Steve K. left on his world tour with Dead Meadow. Night one went as planned. Being surrounded by Steve K's envious vintage toy collection, we laid down the bass and drums, absorbed in the old magic the children focused on these relics.

Night two Cheryl rocked the guitar tracks. First take... she claims. Ha ha. Show off.

Tonight we summon the voices of our demons and angels.

This jam shall be known to the world as Stars (sunshine everyday)

For a teaser check out Cheryl's prototype Stars video. Note: the track on the video is from a practice recording and not apart of the Kille Sessions.

Steve D.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

...and they're off!

Hey internet people,

New band. First blog. Yeah!

We are The Carrions. We've been practicing our fingers raw writing material. There's around 8 songs in the works already.

The plan is... get some songs recorded here in Feb., turn those into videos and vinyl by Spring.

Stay tuned for live shows. You've already missed our first.

much love from behind the drums,
The Carrions